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Flash Back May 1996

Woman Shot Dead by CRPF Personnel

The State and Central forces seem to be given untrammeled powers by the Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 which is in force in insurgency hit Manipur with the result that innocent persons are shot dead with impunity. Notwithstanding the fact that most of the security personnel were indicted by inquiry commissions including one judicial inquiry commission, none of the personnel have been given deterrent punishment since the Act itself says that they are exempt from legal persecution. Manipur witnessed the burning down of over 40 government offices along with documents, furniture and government vehicles apart from dislocation of normal life following the gunning down of a student, Tokchom Netaji allegedly by some police personnel. On the 5th of April, a group of CRPF personnel of 127 Bn shot dead one young mother, Oinam Amina at Oinam Village while her one year old son survived a bullet injury to the chest. That day, the security measures had been beefed up in the district since Chief Minister Rishang Keishing was scheduled to launch an election campaign in the district for the Cong (I) candidate for the general Lok Sabha seat. The CRPF personnel had badgered some suspects. One youth took refuge inside the house belonging to Amina’s parents where she was staying that day. Without trying to flush him out by surrounding the house, the CRPF personnel opened fire from all directions killing the young mother on the spot and injuring the child.

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