
Rhythm of Manipur

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Flashback February-1995 Rhythm of Manipur

Dance and music are closely relate to with the religious, cultural process and intricately woven with social life of the people of Manipur. The rich cultural heritage of Manipur forms an important part of the composite multi – dimensional cultural heritage of this country.

Though the distinct culture of Manipur flourished, struck roots and has borne fruit, some of the indigenous art forms and musical instruments were speedily dying out due to the process of fast modernisation.

Among the many voluntary cultural organisations engaged in preserving the dying art forms, the ten year old Rhythms of Manipur (RM) has been conducting workshops and research projects into the dying indigenous art forms with systematic analysis of various ethnic musical forms by inviting experts.

The Rhythms of Manipur, founded in 1985 as a first of its kind by the young, talented music composer and director of Manipur Ng. Ebopishak who traveled the length and breadth of the globe as a musician for about two and a half decades.

This orchestral group has drawn musicians from all walks of life (mostly youths) and at present the strength of the orchestra is thirty. Musicians are also drawn from different parts of the state to supplement the vacancies in particular musical instruments, both folk and modern.

The Rhythms, since its inception, gave a number of performances before highly appreciative audiences in different parts of the state. The orchestra also participated in the 3rd National Ballet Festival organised by the Sahitya Kala Academi, New Delhi in 1992 along with the ballet of the Manipuri Jagol Marup, one of the leading Manipuri cultural troupes and bagged the best production award at the festival.


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