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Zeppelin was a large German airship or dirigible balloon cylindrical in shape, used as bombers and scouts. When the World War 1 began, the popular expectation was expressed in a German children's song:

Zeppelin, fly,

Help us in the war,

Fly to England,

England shall be destroyed by fire,

Zeppelin fly!

In the book, Great War France li Khava (1914-1919) by K.S. Wungnaoyo, the Zeppelin was described as a balloon that looked like Cucumber seeds  flying in the sky. It was used to gather information about the war. Aeroplanes (which had been invented just about 10 years before WW1 by the Wright brothers) were extensively used.

  • Parent Category: 2023
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In her final appearance on 13 July 1917 at Fatima in Portugal, Mary had asked for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart to stop Russia from spreading “its errors throughout the world and fomenting wars”, for peace to prevail on earth. On 25 March 2022, a month into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, alongside Ukraine. Nine months have passed by, but still an end to the war is nowhere in sight, and an era of peace on earth looks even more remote.

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  • Category: January
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“Would you like to buy fish? Here you are”….a sentence pronounced in rural landscape in day out by swift footed women. Answer is either no thanks, or please come. Thus, women with fish filled containers in their respective neatly-combed heads are responded by the non-vegans. Locally called as pohari this particular class of women gets up with the sun; venture out for remote rural landscape to sell fishes-both large and small. With the days taking they buy the bare needs while they are on way home. The stellar economic role being played by these women of all age groups go unheeded, unreported even unrecognized. Yes, in a patriarchal society, women folk help run their poor family. It is a fish peddling venture of the fisher folk that is running smoothly for ages without being affected by modernity.

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  • Parent Category: 2023
  • Category: January
  • Hits: 1967
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Uttar Pradesh Government unrolls red carpet for industrialists and entrepreneurs. With a view toattracting investment, ministers have visited various countries and interacted with the industrialists there.

Pitching Uttar Pradesh as a safe investment destination, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath  assured industrialists of a strong law and order situation devoid of fear and free of land mafia in the state. He, however, also attracted strong reactions from the opposition alliance in Maharashtra.

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  • Parent Category: 2023
  • Category: January
  • Hits: 1974
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It is pertinent to note that Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and Chief Ministers and Governors of eight Northeastern states also took part in the golden jubilee celebration of the NEC, a regional planning body constituted in 1972 to undertake planning and execute developmental projects of the region. Besides laying the foundation stone of multiple projects worth over Rs 2,450 crore in Shillong, the Prime Minister also laid foundation stones for a few other projects worth over Rs 4,350 crore in Tripura, after addressing a public meeting at Swami Vivekananda ground in the city, including an integrated beekeeping development centre and 21 Hindi libraries for Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura and Assam. 

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  • Parent Category: 2023
  • Category: January
  • Hits: 1880
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NPP was formed on 6 January 2013 by late P.A Sangma. The present National President is Conrad Sangma, who is also heading the post of Chief Minister of Meghalaya. This is the only national political party having base in the Northeast.

The party has a vote share of 20.8% in the last Assembly Election, where they filed 51 candidates and out of which its 19 candidates won the election and were the runners up and 10 were in the third position. The party was not the single largest party as Indian National Congress got 21 seats. However, with alliance particularly with UDP and others, the NPP formed the government.

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All India Trinamool Congress is an active player in 2023 election, even though it had only 0.4% vote share in 2018 Meghalaya Legislative Assembly. Yet, the party seems to be in an active mode. The presence of Mamata Banerjee, the President of AITC and the Chief Minister of West Bengal was recently at Shillong to boost the morale of its party workers. Former Chief Minister of Meghalaya Dr. Mukul sangma and former speaker of Meghalaya Legislative Assembly Mr. Charles Pyngrope are with AITC.

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  • Category: January
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There is a general perception that Congress is already out and vanished. This may not be true for Meghalaya, as in the last Assembly election, Congress not only got the largest number of seats i.e 21, but also highest percentage of vote share of about 28.8%. Not only this, as many as 17 candidates were runners up.

Yes, it is true as many as 12 sitting MLAs in the state of Meghalaya left the Congress to join TMC a year back. Overnight, AITC became the largest opposition party of Meghalaya. The grand old national party Congress was reduced to just 7 members. It is not clear whether the migration of their MLAs to TMC will change any voting pattern.

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