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It is a unique story of innovation being done by artistic application of bamboo, the fastest growing of plant of the planet. By packaging of herbalbased incense sticks with bamboo tube, the unit has done a great job. This is for the first time in India that bamboo has been used to package incense sticks.

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NE Regional Conference on Earthquake and Landslide Mitigation

Meghalaya Education Minister, Shri. Lahkmen Rymbui today inaugurated the 2-days ‘North East Regional Conference on Earthquake and Landslide Mitigation- Building Disaster Resilience in North East India’ at the State Convention Centre, Shillong.

Organized by the Meghalaya State Disaster Management Authority, the inaugural session of the conference was attended by Meghalaya Revenue and Disaster Management Minister, Shri. Kyrmen Shylla, Chief Secretary, Shri. Y. Tsering, Additional Chief Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management Department , Shri. P.W Ingty, Executive Director, National Institute of Disaster  Management (NIDM), Shri. B. H Anil Kumar, Secretary, Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, Government of Meghalaya, Shri. H.B Marak, Executive Director, Meghalaya State Disaster Management Authority, Smt. I. Mawlong, officials representing various State and Central Government Departments, representatives of the armed force including Air Force, Army, and the State Police, and others.

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At  long  last  senior  Minister  Prestone  Tynsong,  now  occupy  the  chair  of  Deputy  Chief  Minister,  though  earlier  it  was  hinted  that  he  was  to  lead  the Meghalaya  Democratic  Alliance  Government.  Elected  as  a  legislator  in  2003,  Tynsong  has  gained  experience ,  also  as  being  the  Chief  Executive  member  of  the  Khasi  Hills  District  Council.  Possibly  this  time  he  had  aspired  to  be  the  Chief  Minister  of  the  state  but  the  coalition  partners  had  instead  chosen  Conrad  K.  Sangma,  who  as  member  of  Parliament  has  more  links  with  the  national  leadership  in  New  Delhi.  Tynsong , it  seems  do  not  mind  much  of  the  coalition  decision,  as  he  says  he  would  be  the  same, yesterday, today  and  tomorrow.  He  believes  in  what  will be- will  be, whether  it  is  big  or  small.

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The incident  on  the  throwing  of  a  petrol  bomb  in  the  residence  of  Shillong  Times  Editor  Patricia   Mukhim,  tantamount  to  in  maligning  the  media.   The press fraternity has expressed profound shock.  It  is  an  act  of  confrontation  with  the  media,  with  the  motive  in  suppressing  the  freedom  of  the  press,  being  the  fourth  estate  in  democratic  governance.  The  editor  herself  is  perplexed  as  to  why  such  an  attack  was  made. Possibly the  reason  being  that  the  attackers   were  not  in  some  or  any  particular  comment  made  in  the  column  of  the  newspaper, which  they  think  is  against  their  interests  or  view  point .  If  it  was  so,  they  should  have  openly  come  out  with  their  opinion, but  not  to  the  extent  of  resorting  to  any  violent  reaction. The  Shillong  Press  Club  and  other   journalist  bodies have  condemned  the  attack  which  is  untoward.      

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The  Khasi  Students  Union  has  taken  up  seriously  to  having  independent  probe  in  the  mysterious  discovery  of  dead  fishes  in  the  River  Kynshi  in West  Khasi  Hills  in  the  Ranikor   area  bordering  Bangladesh.  This  has  alerted  the   Meghalaya  State  Pollution  Control  Board  to  investigate,  also   in  nearby  areas  such  as  the  Rilang  river.  It  is  highly  suspected  that  samples  of   uranium  drilling   being  carried  out  in  the  area  had  caused  this  phenomena .  This  has  caused  speculation of  related  health  problems,  as  unscrupulous  people  out  in  collecting  money,  have  also  collected   the  dead  floating  fishes  and  selling  in  the  nearby  markets. It  is  therefore  encouraging  that  the  students  are   alert, taking  interest  in  extracurricular  activities,  such  as   the  protection  of  nature  and  the  environment  which  is  the need of an hour. 

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