
September 2017

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Marketing conclave for Garo Hills Farmers, Entrepreneurs 

With the objective to help farmers including entrepreneurs to understand the concept of commodity market dynamics and to enable them to significantly and enhance the value of their produces through branding and other creditable practices the Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA), Basin Development Unit (BDU) today organised an awareness on marketing of agricultural products and value addition at Ampati.

During the seminar a panel discussions on market infrastructure besides marketing of agri products and value addition was held followed by a presentation on agriculture markets in Garo Hills. Commodity trading on spices was also addressed. Resource persons for the conclave included Rajesh Patidar, Vice President, Agriwatch, New Delhi, Biplab Sarma, Commodity Analyst, Agriwatch, New Delhi and Dr Abhigyan Bhattacharjee, Associate Professor, NEHU amongst others.


Apart from farmers’ representatives from the GHADC, DCIC, Horticulture department, North East Green Tech Private Limited, APEDA, Organic Majuli, Mission Organic, and the Forestry departments was also presence at the seminar.  Addressing the gathering during the inaugural session, South West Garo Hills Deputy Commissioner and Chairman, IBDLP, Cyril Darlong Diengdoh said that the district administration was always looking out for opportunities for farmers in terms of creating more profitable markets. He said that the state being primarily an agrarian society it was imperative to understand our natural capital and resources. 

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AMRIT Pharmacy Inauguration

With the aims to provide quality and affordable medicines to the patients and public as a whole the honourable Health and Family Welfare Minister Smti. R.Warjri today inaugurated the AMRIT Pharmacy at Civil hospital Shillong.

AMRIT or (Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implant for Treatment) is an initiative taken up by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India with Life Care Limited (HLL) as its distributor. The AMRIT Civil Hospital will be among the 103rd such pharmacy in the country. Though there is one in NEIGHRIMS Hospital but the AMRIT in Civil Hospital is the first such kind of pharmacy in collaboration with Government of Meghalaya.

Speaking during the inauguration programme Warjri said that it is a privileged for the state to have such kind of hospital in order to provide better affordable medicines to the public. She also added that the state government is working out with HLL to implement 9 more such pharmacy in all district of Meghalaya.

Shri H.M. Shangpliang IAS government of Meghalaya also added that MHIS card will also be link to this pharmacy for the benefit of the cards holder.


The other dignitaries present during the inauguration ceremony were Dr.D. Lyngdoh Diretor of Health and Service (MCH&FW), Smti Rupa Chakraborty HLL,Regional Manager (East), Dr. (Mrs.) B. Mawlong Jt. Director of Health Servicess (S.S) Civil Hospital and staff of Civil Hospital.

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ICSSR-NERC National Seminar

The Indian council of Social Science Regional Research  (ICSSR) Northeast Regional Centre start off its two days National Seminar on ‘Towards Social Justice: Impact of Positive Discrimination on Marginalized Communities with Special Reference to Scheduled Caste Groups in India’ at ICSSR-NERC  Conference Room NEHU Campus Shillong. 

The two days seminar will discuss on various issues relating to Interrogating the ideas of Social Justice and Positive Discrimination, Fighting for social justice, Experiences and lessons from other countries, Social justice, democracy and socialism and Understanding Ambedkar, Positive Discrimination which include Socio-economic development of the SCs in India, Continuity and change in caste system with reference of the Dalits, Caste, class, region, religion, Political parties and electoral politics, the misused of Dalits as vote banks, Dalit movements after Ambedkar. Organizations and emerging leadership, Identity and movements for social justice: Achievements and limitations for the Dalit empowerment: Problems and challenges. 

The seminar will be chaired by Professor Gopal Guru Centre for Political Studies JNU New Delhi, Professor L.S Gassah Honorary Director, ICSSR-NERC.

The aim of this seminar is to highlight these policies of positive discrimination which aim at targeting unequal and undemocratic nature of the caste system and empower the marginalized communities in India. It also aims at questioning and suggesting out the positive and negative aspects of understanding by implementing such policies.


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The Department of linguistics North Eastern Hill University National Conference

The Department of linguistics North Eastern Hill University Shillong organised or National Conference on revisiting indology and Sanskrit in India on 21st September 2017 at its premises. The inaugural function was chaired by Professor B K Agarwal Dean, School of Humanities, Shri Atul Kothari Shiksha Sanskriti utthan nyas New Delhi was the guest of honour, professor Rajnat bhat head department of linguistics Banaras Hindu University Varanasi UP was a special guest, the coordinator and chairperson of the conference professor Shailendra Kumar Singh, head department of linguistics gave the welcome inaugural address.

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Mr. Khrang Lyngkhoi joined Congress

Khrang Lyngkhoi the prominent UDP (United Democratic Party) from Langrin Constituency in Ranikor has decided to contest on congress ticket in the 2018 state election. He with some of his followers decided to lend their support to Mr. Marting Danggo a senior Congress leader from their constituency.

When asked what made him joined the congress after serving the UDP for quite long time, he simply that he believe that only congress can truly served the people especially in this region. Beside his ideology he also not happy with his former party in the way the party works especially with their slow tactics in bridging up with the people 0f the constituency.

With his joining the congress party has a strong based in Ranikor in order to retain its majority in South West Khasi Hills District.



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