
November 2017

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Foundation Stone for the permanent Court building at Mairang

The Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court, Justice Dinesh  Maheshwari laid the Foundation Stone for the permanent Court building of the Judicial Magistrate (1st  Class) at Mawsawa, Mairang in the presence of  Roshan Warjri, Minister i/c Law etc, members of the legal fraternity and District and Sub Divisional Officials.

The Chief Justice of Meghalaya while speaking on the occasion said that building of a permanent court complex in Mairang was accorded a high priority by the High Court of Meghalaya and hence the result is seen today with the formal commencement of the construction of the Court Building. He added that the building will be an asset for the people of Mairang who will reap the benefits which the judiciary has to offer, she expressed hope that the construction of the building will be completed within the stipulated period of 16 months.


Others who attended the foundation program were F M Lakiang, SDO in-charge Mairang Civil Sub Division and  G Rani, District & Sessions Judge, West Khasi Hills who delivered the Vote of thanks.

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Sanbor inaugurated water supply at Kench’s trace locality

The Monitoring Cum Implementation Committee (MCIC) in presence of MLA Mr Sanbor Shullai incollaboration with the Dorbar Dong of Inverneil, Kench’s Trace and Upper Kench’s Trace, Shillong inaugurate the Implementation of Additional Water Supply Scheme for Tender Care School and Kench’s Trace Areas, under PHE Department.

The function was attended by Shri B.M.R Chyne, Convener of Dorbar Shnong Kench’s Trace, Shillong, in presence of Shri K.B. Nongbri, Rangbah Dong, Inverniel-Kench’s Trace, Shri Moonstar Shangpliang, Rangbah Dong, Kench’s Trace, Shri V Pamthied, Rangbah Dong Upper Kench’s Trace.


Mr Sanbor Shullai during his speech requested the members of the MCIC to monitor the project with cordial relationship and to systematically work out with Dorbar Dongs and the officials of PHE Department and Shillong Municipal Board.

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KHNAM hail Court Verdict

Welcoming the judgment passed by the Meghalaya High Court against the appointment of MLAs as parliamentary secretaries, the Khun Hynñiewtrep National Awakening Movement (KHNAM) has urged the Governor to disqualify such MLAs who previously hold the post.

After the verdict on Thursday the Court also left it opens for the Governor to decide on the question of disqualification of the parliamentary secretaries as members of the State Assembly.


KHNAM working President Adelbert Nongrum while speaking to the press said that the Congress-led government had appointed many parliamentary secretaries just to ensure its own political stability but not for serving the state as such appointment was only a waste of public money despite the fact that the state is facing huge financial crisis.

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HSPDP elected its office bearers

The Hill State People’s Democratic Party (HSPDP) on Friday announced the office bearers of the party in North Shillong Constituency with an aim of providing goodand clean governance and unearths all corrupt practices.

The office bearers elected are the women’s wing and youth wing. Elected members was felicitated by HSPDP chief, Ardent M. Basaiawmoit in the presence of HSPDP candidate, Alester N. Diengdoh, MDCs, Teilinia Thangkhiew, Samlin Malngiang, and other HSPDP leaders, besides senior advocate, Ganold Massar.

while address the party workers Basaiawmoit said that his party has chosen the path to enlighten and not to fool the people on many issues and also called upon the people to use wisdom and conscience before taking a stand on any issues or electing a public representative by emotions.

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HSPDP want Union Health Minister Intervention

The Hill State People’s Democratic Party (HSPDP) has submitted a petition to Union health minister, J.P. Nadda regarding the issue of de-recognition of post graduate courses at North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS).

HSPDP President and Legislator Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit in a petition submitted to Nadda, said that the post graduate courses were started around five years back with full support of the Union ministry of health and family welfare and the state government.

The lapse came to notice during the inspection conducted by the Medical Council of India (MCI) several departments have been recommended for de-recognition like anesthesia, radiology, general, surgery, medicines. Upon inquiry the party came to know that the institute has increased a number of post graduate seats in certain disciplines like anesthesia without the permission of the ministry of health and family welfare.


The HSPDP also told the Union minister that the present NEIGRIHMS director, D.M. Thappa has refused to acknowledge the deficiencies and had sent the compliance report to the MCI with some alterations in the appointments of faculty at the institute’s clinical load and consequently, has put the institute at loggerheads with the MCI.

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