


Namrata Singh, Delhi

Nearly your every article of January issue was an eye-opener, very informative and motivating. Each article has its own art and beauty of its own. Your magazine has really improved in various ways, the designing and the information of your article’s  are very beautifully created. Your magazine has its own aesthetic beauty which grabs the attention of the reader from the first sentence it self. Congratulations to Eastern Panorama hope your future issues would be more interesting and edifying.

Anisha Agarwal , Sikkim

Your, Capital Rape article was an instructive one.  The rape cases and all abuses of women origin from one point of view i.e Female infanticide. In most of the Indian society Female child is still considered as bad luck and male child as a blessing. Every one thinks that they are educated and has developed in all round development but instead this is very wrong. One cannot claim himself educated and broad minded until he can accept every fact of life and can handle every situation. Every family desire to have a male child only if so they should not also desire to have a Bahu (daughter).    

Lapynshai Rashir, Shillong

The Article on Sikkim international flower fest was a stunning one. More festival should be organised in the future in order to improve the state and attracts more tourist from in and around the world.

Riya Gosh, Calcutta

It is a very delightful news that some parts of our country like Sikkim has realized the importance of natural method of remedial and the harm of chemicals. Organic farming should be encourage in every states. Your article on Organic farming was wonderful.

Dindi Hibu, Arunachal Pradesh