


Bunu, the daughter of Chandra Bahadur Chetry is a resident of Meteka village under Howraghat Police Station; she is clamped with chains and is kept fastened to a pillar inside the compound of her house from the crack of dawn to dusk due to a mysterious ailment from which she is suffering from the last ten years.

This mentally challenged girl suffers from certain illness from the early age of three and since then she lost her mental permanence, she can’t interact or even make others recognize her requirements, if Bunu is allowed to stay free, she silently ventures outside the protection of her house, inviting serious peril to her self.

The only speech she makes is when she feels famished; she makes a mild utterance which only her mother, Mera Chetry can understand.

In spite all possible maneuvers, the economically poor family has failed to liberate their beloved Bhonti from the curse of this deadly disease, however of late, a few organizations have stepped forward and are offering their guidance and financial assistance to bring the ill-fated girl back to normalcy.

Sushanta Roy