
Many loopholes regarding trading license- HYC

The Hyniewtrep Youth Council (HYC) today met with the Chief Executive Member (CEM) P.N Syiem of the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council regarding the issuing of trading license and labour license to the Non-Tribals. Speaking to the scribes the HYC Chief Mr. Robertjune Kharjahrim said that according to the FIR filed by the union there are over 450 license issued by the Council without proper documents.

The council also urged the CEM to terminate those existing license and to prepare the data of person with their license in order to check the malfunction in the system. Mr. Robertjune Kharjahrim also demands that the Council should stop hiring private individuals regarding enrolment and issuing of trading and labour license.

HYC remind the council that the flow of influx is the result of mix trade between the tribals and non-tribal’s hence the council should keep track on their process of issuing license to the non-tribal.


Mean while the CEM has promise the Union that in the near future they will work together with the headman and village administrative regarding these issues.