

Agriculture scientists are planning for the introduction of short duration variety of paddy to increase the cropping intensity.Chikon, a short duration variety has been brought from Tripura which is being tasted in the field of Assam’s farmer. Krishi Vigyan Kendra KVK Kamrup has brought this variety in 2016. To increase the cropping intensity of field crops like paddy cultivation of this variety is necessary to make farming a more profitable venture.“The mono cropping system of farming which is generally practiced by our farmers fails to augment the farmer’s income.So, double or triple cropping is required to enhance farmer’s income,” Dr DN Kalita, Principal Scientist cum Head of Kamrup KVK suggested and added a best cropping sequence is imperative to make the best use of land resources of the poor farmers.

Chikon can be the answer to increase the cropping intensity.This variety needs 116 days from seed sowing to harvesting. “The crop is ready for harvesting by the second week of October if 15 days old seedling is planted in the first week of July. The same field will be ready for second crop like rapeseed,” Kalita adds. In Assam,Ranjit, the popular variety of paddy is long duration crop which take 155 days for harvesting. In this case, the paddy field will be ready for second cropping like rapeseed or other pulses either in the last week of November or first week of December. Till then, the moisture in the field becomes production constraint. As a result farmers are deprived of farming second crop in the same field. But in short duration rice variety can be boon for farmer in this regard. “Short duration rice variety is imperative to bring more area under double cropping,” Head of KVK said.