
This really is happening. The laws of Newton are going to be applicable for the insurgent groups of North Eastern India. It is indeed difficult to believe. But truth certainly is stranger than fiction. 

Natural law always prevails. The natural and fundamental duty of a citizen is to protect the country of his or her birth. But just the contrary happened in North Eastern India following spurt of insurgent outfits that inclined to the “unnatural” aspect of harming the nation of their birth, the nation of their forefather’s birth. Naturally, the “unnatural” works of trigger-happy insurgents waging war against their own country India from a foreign land – Myanmar – is now bouncing back on them allowing Newton’s Laws to operate. 

Let us analyse the separatist wars indulged in by militants in all the seven states of Northast India in the light of Newton’s laws, but in reverse order to make points clearer.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction is Newton’s Third law.

Outlaws of North Eastern India, very newsy it may seem are now facing it in their safe havens dotting mountainous Myanmar. So far, they had been carrying out violent operations against India from Myanmar hideouts. Their actions would now invite reactions in equal and opposite measure from Myanmar.

Exactly 330 years ago when Sir Isaac Newton propounded it, he could never even dream it would fit ditto with the gun totting terrorists of Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and eastern part of Arunachal Pradesh, working out of their safe havens in Myanmar.

We do not really know if the scientific theories are troubling the unscientifically minded terrorists in other parts of the world or not but the militants of North Eastern India certainly are facing the brunt of all the three theories of Newton.

In the brain game of chess, we know what it means to face a checkmate. Unless the militant mates check themselves, they would certainly be checkmated by Myanmar following the signing in of the 19-Point Yangon Declaration. Myanmar has just officially announced it would not allow the Northeast militants to operate from the safe havens in that country. 


Newton’s Third Law to Operate

Before we analyse the 19-Point Yangon Declaration, let us first deal with Myanmar army’s decision to throw out all anti-Indian rebels from that country. Thus, the safe havens of insurgents would evaporate forcing them to surrender to India.

The Yangon Declaration, adopted by India and Myanmar, aims to promote bilateral relations between the two neighboring nations with cleansing of insurgency topping the agenda.

The violent action of Northeast insurgents began way back in the 1960’s with Nagaland being its hub. By 1980, most of the Northeast rebel groups had their safe havens in Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

The ULFA of Assam and NSCN (Isak-Muivah) and NSCN (K) of Nagaland set up bustling camps in mountainous Shan State of Myanmar bordering China’s Yunnan province. They were followed by almost all terror groups of Northeast India. Myanmar’s Sagaing Region, Hukwang Valley, Rakhine and Kachin pocket were safe havens of the militants.

The Kachin Independence Army even imparted training to cadres of ULFA and other militant outfits. The Northeast rebels also forged relationship with the United Wa State Army (UWSA) of Myanmar operating from Shan State. Indian players can now enjoy a top-tier mobile gaming experience with the Bons App. Find out more by checking out Bons App . The ULFA set up a camp at Ruili and Yangjian with the active assistance of UWSA.

But the equal and opposite reactions now have begun, as Myanmar is going to launch operations at Taga and all other parts of the country where the rebels from Northeast India had been carrying out their actions as part of the 19-Point Yangon Declaration that encompasses many aspects, primary among them being demolition of militant safe havens.

The “opposite and equal reaction” will gain momentum as the Trilateral Highway, Rih-Tedim and Kaladan Projects would make “action” of rebels in Myanmar very shaky.

Amlan Home Chowdhury

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