
Letter from Editor

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  • Hits: 1078



This year India is celebrating 75th Independence Day by completing 74 years of Independence. The past 75 years of India was a year of consolidation, integration and development. Politically, we can always comment as nothing has been done or too little has been done. But if we look at some of the parameters of development, we will find, irrespective of the party that rule the country, it has a track record of development. Let us analyze some of the indicators of development. Look at the number of towns which has increased from 2843 as per 1951 census to 7935 as per 2011 census. This shows an increase in urbanization and also an increase in the Tertiary Sector of the economy. If we look at the villages electrified then at the time of Independence, only 3000 villages were electrified which was not even 1% of the total village at that time. The number of villages in 1947 was 5,58,089. As on today, as per data available for the year 2019, around 5,97,464 villages are electrified out of the total number of 6,64,369 villages. The Government of India has already confirmed that 100% villages are electrified. If we look at the next important parameters for an economy to grow, is the National Highway. Post Independence, we had only 22,200 kilometer of National Highway which increased to 1,51,019 kilometer in 2021. This has substantially improved the inter-state and within state connectivity. With improved connectivity, the interaction between rural and urban areas has improved, thus improving the economic health of rural people. Our literacy rate has increased from 18.3% in 1951 to 74.04% in 2021. An improved literacy only indicates a better awareness among the citizen. A good awareness is bound to improve the quality of life of the people. In spite of development in all sectors including Science and Technology, Skill Development, Agriculture Environment, Industry etc, the impact is not being felt. This is because our population was only 361088090 (36.10 crore) in 1951 which has gone up to 1393409038 (139.34 crore) in 2021. Today we are the world’s second largest in population. We need to have a uniform population control policy, if we want to enjoy the fruits of development.


It is absolutely true that people are continuing to suffer in the health sector and terribly exploited by the private health practitioners / hospitals. This is an area which still needs to be taken care, even though the number of doctors and hospitals and the facilities has improved terribly. Today, there is much better awareness about public health and a large number of toilets were constructed by the present government in the mission mode. Still there are challenges in both education and health sector. The private entry in health and education sector has converted the sector as a business entity. There is something where government needs to seriously look and bring corrective policy measures. Why is that students and patients are attracted to Private Universities and Private Hospitals? In an area where all government sectors terribly failed to provide, is the housing facility for the common people. Our present Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a boost to housing sector and intended to provide houses to every citizen by August 15, 2022. But, perhaps it seems to be difficult as we are under the grip of COVID-19. The biggest concern that I see in India is the delivery system and mindset of the people. The best of the system is bound to be flop, if the person with authority is corrupt. Need I say more?


Friends with these words please accept my Independence Day Greetings.


Dr. K.K Jhunjhunwala

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