
Letter from Editor

  • Parent Category: Current Issue
  • Hits: 1508

Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

It is interesting that the present government is on fast track and could be able to come to conclusions on issues of national importance, which were pending since last seven decades.

The scrapping of Article 370 and 35A from the constitution of India and resolving the issue of Ram Temple at Ayodhya are the two issues, which has come to its logical conclusion. Opinions may vary on the decisions taken but taking decision is better than not taking any decision. The unanimous judgment given by the five judges’ constitution bench of Supreme Court gave the land for the temple to the Hindus and asked the government of India to allot five acres of land to Muslim for construction of a Mosque at Ayodhya. Though some ripples are there but they are bound to settle.

Controversial issues should be addressed in time bound manner, otherwise the impact that it has on society is very high. The Babri Masjid demolition saw a deadly Bombay bomb blast in 1993, nearly three months after the demolition of Masjid, which took the life of 272 people plus loss of huge property.

In India, we have long list of such issues, which needs to be brought to its logical conclusion. The Naga Peace is yet another issue in North East, waiting to see the light of the day. By delaying in solving the issues of this nature, we only waste our time in history and emotional conflict. India needs to move fast. We have many challenges, such as, elimination of poverty, housing, health, rural development etc. The list is long and never ending. We need to work for growth and development.

The worrisome for the nation is that election politics always takes upper side thus leaving behind national interest. Vote bank politics preached by National parties and caste based politics preached by regional parties has always been dividing the people of India. The time has come to understand the subject in its totality to make India a prosperous nation. Are politicians listening?

Dr. K.K.Jhunjhunwala

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