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The Singhpo Tribe Chief Bessa Gaum was utterly surprised at such a little, simple request made by the Scottish Firangi while bidding goodbye to him.

It is believed the Singhpos held him a captive and released only after receiving a ransom from the British East India Company.

The Company then was fighting wars with the Arakan King, local Rajas and different tribal groups of Assam and Manipur. The Arakanese, however, were the main headache to the Company as they were frequently foraying into Manipur and Assam.

Well, let us return to our Scottish Firangi. 

When Bessa asked if he would like to have some gift from his Tribe, the Firangi made a very strange request that surprised him.

That really would have been utterly surprising for anybody!

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What had happened a little more than two years ago, on May 27, 2020 was a horrendous incident, a blowout occurring at Well no.5 resulting in a leak of natural gas. The resultant explosion and fire that had lasted more than five months, from May 27 to November 15, 2020, in the natural gas well of Oil India Limited (OIL) had triggered irreparable damages to the then prevailing environment, bio-diversity, wildlife, eco-system and forest.

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When the world was young and all the animals spoke the language of mankind, the peacock, U Klew, was but an ordinary grey feathered  bird without any pretensions to beauty. But, even in those days, he was much given to pride and vanity, and strutted about with all the majesty of that royalty, just because his turf was more erect than other birds and  his tail being longer, was carried with more grace than those of any of his companions.

He was a very unaccommodating neighbour. His tail was so long that he could not enter the houses of most of  other birds. So he always attended the courts of the great, and was entertained by one or other of the wealthy birds at times of festivals in the jungle. He thus had very high opinion about himself adding to self-importance. He became so haughty and overbearing that he was cordially disliked by his neighbours, who endeavored to repay him by playing many a jest at his expense.

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The tech majors were shell-shocked when the Central Government recently announced that they are bound to pay Indian newspapers and digital news publishers’ a share of revenue for using their original content. It is pertinent to note that Google, which also owns You Tube, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp owned by Meta, besides, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter and Amazon are forced to follow the order of the government.

Recently, the minister of state for IT and Electronics, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, while announcing the government’s decision said that the, “The market power on digital advertising that is currently being exercised by the Big Tech majors, which places Indian media companies at a position of disadvantage, is an issue that is seriously being examined in the context of new legalisations and rule”. It is perhaps the first official statement by the Indian government on plans to make the global internet giants pay for using news or information generated by independent news and publishing outlets. Importantly, the Indian government wanted to implement it after observing a decision taken by Australia within the European Union.

  • Parent Category: 2022
  • Category: August
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Landslides are the collapse of soil or rocks along mountain slopes of mountains normally during the monsoon. The mountainous ranges found in Northeast India being young are landslide prone. This year the South West monsoon arrived early in the month of June with the weather department recording a high rainfall of 435mm in June alone in Manipur.


A massive landslide struck on the intervening night of 29-30 June 2022, in Manipur’s Noney district, completely destroying the railway yard at Tupul in Makhuam village, killing 61, injuring 27 and bodies still to be found.

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Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Due to its attractiveness, power is a highly sought after possession/position. This is since it is viewed as a vital source of satisfaction (or achievement). However, on closer comprehension this is a wrong perception of the word ‘power’ precisely because it is defined as ‘the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way’. It is more about responsibility and accountability and less about blatant authority. As such, one can infer that having power is not a desirable thing at all. Ignorance is bliss and that is the hallmark of a powerless life.

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  • Category: August
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The British ruled India for a long period of time, and freeing India from the British Raj was a long-drawn affair. So many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives. Some popular freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Rani Laxmi Bai, etc. took the lead to free India from the British Raj. Other than these freedom fighters, several other people had come forward to free India from British rule. They have sacrificed their lives and their happiness for a better tomorrow. With time, the names of these fighters have faded into darkness. The way we appreciate the contributions of the well-known freedom fighters, the contributions of the unsung freedom fighters must also be appreciated and regarded. These are names that have made it into the annals of regional history. It’s time they received national attention.

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