- Parent Category: 2020
- Hits: 20011
A Brainstorming Conclave was organised by North East Centre For Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR) at the Auditorium of the Administrative College at Khanapara of Guwahati on November last year.
NECTAR has a unique and distinct mandate to be a Solution Designer and a partnership institution in focusing on providing technology applications for unique problems of the Northeast in consultation with State Governments. Once the technology gaps and the needs of the state governments are understood, NECTAR, as per its mandate, is required to scout for appropriate technologies to address the same from centrally funded laboratories/institutes and then on successful demonstration, transfer it to State Governments for replication.
Dr. Partha Jyoti Das, Secretary of an NGO Aranyak, drew the attention towards the flood and suggested various solutions to the perennial flood with the help of existing technology.
Prof P. Mahanta, Director of NIT Arunachal Pradesh, focused on taking some experimental projects on various problems that Assam is conflicting with, while Sh. Ravi Shankar, Director of NID Jorhat, proposed bamboo based industries for manufacturing furniture and other industrial products.
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