Letter from The Editor-In-Chief
January, 2009

Dear friends,
We have entered into the new year and it is time for retrospection at what has happened in the year that has passed. History, they say, is dead and should be forgotten. However, we believe that history must be recorded, looked into and analysed so that we can move ahead using experiences that we have picked up along our journey through life.
In this issue of Eastern Panorama, we have carried some snippets of subjects that we have covered in various issues of the year 2008. The grievous incident regarding Monika Devi wherein she was denied an opportunity to represent India in the Olympics held in China was a great shock and is something that must never happen again. The discrimination or manipulation that was evident in this incident only serves to further the feeling of alienation in the minds of the people of the region.
The serial bomb blasts at the end of October in Guwahati have indeed shaken the confidence of the people of the region. The law and order situation of the region has not shown any substantial improvement. In contrast, we also saw some positive initiatives for development. Even though it is more talk than actual implementation, we still believe talking is a beginning and should be welcomed.
The cover story this month is on the non performance of the Nagaland Police and looks at how, in spite of a huge work force, the Nagaland Police has time and again failed to perform. The Police reform measures have not shown any visible improvements. The issues of political interference and frequent transfers have remained unanswered. Similarly the best of the best are shying away from the profession because of the poor public image that the police force enjoys in the country. Whether it is the impact of Hindi cinema or a reality, the fact is that the police brand image is today at an all time low.
Change, we believe, is a continual process. We have incorporated some subtle changes in the inside pages so that the magazine is more reader friendly. We have listened to the suggestions and recommendations of our valued readers and tried to meet with their requirements irrespective of extra cost and effort. We hope that these efforts on our part make your reading experience more enjoyable.
We thank you all for continually extending your unwavering support and wish you a very happy 2009.