
Letter from Editor

  • Parent Category: Current Issue
  • Hits: 1622

Myanmar Concern

Myanmar, which is formally known as Burma, is having a population of 55.27 crore, as on October 1, 2022. The country has cultural similarities with India. It is bordered by China to the North and North East, Laos to the East, Thailand to the South East, the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal to the South and South West, India to the North West. The totaling of the international border is 6523 km. this country has suffered terribly ever since in 1917, the crackdown by Myanmar’s Army forced hundreds and thousands of Rohingyas to cross and flew the borders. Unfortunately, Myanmar has again lost in a civil war following a military coup taking place on February 2021. This has forced the Myanmar Nationals to cross border and enter into India’s North East as refugees. This is an area of concern as in the long run, it may have an adverse effect on the economy and stability of the North Eastern Region. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees also aired the similar views and confirmed the refugee migration to India, particularly to Mizoram.

The main cause of Myanmar refugee to free their own country is the high level of rural poverty and lack of livelihood opportunities. Food Security Trust Fund also conducted a study on this aspect and confirmed this as a main reason.

It is true that when a country is in a civil war, then people will do everything possible to save their life. Since Myanmar people and Mizo community share historical relations and both are considered as Chin Brothers. Hence, Mizoram received more refugees from Myanmar. The Government of Mizoram has taken them with humanitarian consideration. As many as 6195 Myanmari children were enrolled in different schools of Mizoram which has been confirmed by the officials of Mizoram government.

India needs to be diplomatically very active. China has already made en route to Myanmar and the Army is dancing to the tune of the Dragon. This concerns India.  

Dr K K Jhunjhunwala

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