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The art of comedy has gone viral on television and social media. Lol (laugh out loud) is the mood. Cynically speaking, there is something seriously wrong with a society that is completely addicted to finding reasons to laugh out loud all the time. But maybe that is digging too deep and is not in the scope of this article. What is agonizingly irritating though is that comedy is being sprinkled with obscene, derogatory and cheap views of women. Seriously, how sexhungry must a society be to share such jokes and laugh about them publicly? Shameless, but we don’t even find it objectionable anymore!

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Independent candidate to the South Tura Constituency, Leslie K Sangma has been pulled up in a show cause notice that he had made a speech using inflammatory comments, against former legislator Agatha Sangma and her late father P. A. Sangma, by any means bringing about religious overtones in the election campaign. Leslie had been accused of deliberate accusing late P. A. Sangma as being converted to Hinduism, as during the speech, a video clip was shown P. A. Sangma accepting a “tikka” applied on his forehead, during his visit to a temple. This is a contravention that religion and caste cannot be included in election propaganda.

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The Ranikor constituency has developed certain complexities, as Martin M. Danggo, recently  joining  the  NPP,  is  being  challenged  by  the  teaming  up  of   a   conglomerate  of  political  parties. Danggo  who  was  the  last  representative  of  Ranikor,  as  a  Congress  member,  had  been  accused of  neglecting  the constituency. Yet  he  had  produced  the  trump  card  of   Ranikor  being  upgraded  into  a Sub-Division. Unlike  in  the  South  Tura  seat,  the  United  Democratic  Party,  local  unit,  has  shown  sign  of  rebellion,  as  it  would  not  support  Danngo,  though  being  a  NPP  person  of  the  MDA  alliance.  However coming in between Pynshngain N. Syiem  the  Peoples  Democratic  Front leader,  has  decided  to  plunge  into  the  Ranikor  waters,  claiming  that  all  parties  are  supporting  him,  at  a  time  when  he  just  lost  the  confidence  of  many  parties,  which  led  to  his  resignation  as  Chief  Executive  Member  of  the  Khasi  Hills  District  Council.

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The constitution of the Council has marked the beginning of a new chapter of concerted and planned endeavor for the rapid development of the region. Over the last thirty-five years, NEC has been instrumental in setting in motion a new economic endeavor aimed at removing the basic handicaps that stood in the way of normal development of the region and has ushered in an era of new hope in this backward area full of great potentialities.

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  • Parent Category: 2018
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Tourist traffic in Shillong and different parts of the state have recorded an increase, especially during current summer season, where people would love to see and singing in the monsoon rains, especially in the Sohra region. However, many tourist spots in the state are littered with plastic waste, which is an eye sore and caught the attention of the government. The State Government would be imposing Section 144 CrPC, prohibiting use of polythene, as a means to check plastic waste. As most of the tourist spots are run by village durbars and private societies, an official order would be issued to keep tourist spots spotless clean, keeping up the name of Mawlynnong, being the cleanest village in the country and continent.

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