Electioneering has reached the last lap in the state. Leaders of the various national parties have thronged Shillong the capital city and it was none other than Rahul Gandhi, who was able to draw crowds in the main thorough fares including Khyndailad, the Centre Point. Rahul had been able to conjure dreams not of himself or his party but of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the dreams which have come about like waving a magic wand. Economic stability had appeared but as it jobs have disappeared. As if by magic income of farmers and workers have disappeared and also the small and medium business. Crores of money had disappeared and reappeared by magic in foreign lands out of the reach of Indian laws. Rahul had therefore waved the magic wand of Narendra Modi in the eyes of the people. But as Rahul has already interpreted, these are only magical dreams which fortunately or not are not nightmares as people woke up in facing the stark realities that the magic wand of Modi had not yet made democracy disappear from India.