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1917iTEAMS Connecting Farmers to Markets

Launched on 29th December 2017 with the tagline of ‘Connecting Farmers to Markets,’ 1917iTEAMS is a collaborative initiative of the Government of Meghalaya through the Department of Agriculture in partnership with Digital India Corporation, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, the Meghalaya Small Farmers Agri Business Consortium, the Department of IT, the Department of AH & Veterinary, Meghalaya Institute of Entrepreneurship (MIE) and  Central Agriculture University. Administered by the MIE as the Programme Management Unit, 1917iTEAMS facilitates and services farmers’ and buyers’ need through the three main verticals of;

a) Market connect b) Agro advisory services and c) Affordable logistics solutions.

It is a disruptive, first of its kind ICT driven, cloud based innovative platform that marries the wide reach of mobile telephony, a state supported extension cum decision support advisory system, market connect and intelligence with affordable on ground evacuation/transport logistics for farmers. The platform is easily accessible through a single nationwide toll free number (1917), a web portal and a smart phone based application for registered farmers of the state, for buyers within and outside the state, entrepreneurs and extension personnel. Through these channels a farmer can connect, communicate and negotiate directly with registered consumers and buyers or vice versa. bitcoin bookmakers Once a deal is made farmers or buyers can simply call 1917 to book a 1917iTEAMS cargo vehicle for transportation of  their  produce to the buyer or market at a very minimal freight cost of Rs. 0.02 per kg per kilometre. Farmers can also avail of the agro advisory services of 1917iTEAMS at various stages of production to consult with domain experts online or over the phone and are also linked to an animal healthcare and agriculture extension network that stretches across the state. In addition farmers and buyers are provided near real time market intelligence with regards to availability of produce, demand, quantities and pricing to enable them to make informed marketing decisions.

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KSU unveil Kiang Nangbah statue

To mark the 157 death anniversary of the freedom fighter Kiang Nangbah, the Khasi Student Union (KSU) today unveiled the statue of u Kiang Nangbah in front of Civil Hospital Shillong. 

The program was attended by several NGO’s including HYNF, FKJGP, Dorbar Shnong of Wahthabroo and student organization from the Jaintia Hills. During the program a troupe from Ri-bhoi district presented the war cry dance to honour the late freedom fighter.

The statue of freedom fighter Kiang Nangbah is constructed and manages by the KSU. The statue was design and construct with the help from designer Seinbor Kharmawphlang and Dani Khyriem. The land for erecting the Statue was donated by the PWD Department Government of Meghalaya and the lighting was donated by the MeECL.

Speaking during the inaugural program KSU President Lambokstar Marngar said that Kiang Nangbah sacrifices his own personal life to fight for the freedom of his people and the land. He is against the way the British collect tax forcefully from the people in Jaintia Hills. Lambokstar Marngar said that the KSU will still continue the protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 and to demand complete implementation of ILP in Meghalaya. 

 “If the Central Government can give Inner Line Permit to the State of Manipur overnight, then it won’t be a problem for the Central Government to do the same with our State” he added.

Re-acting to rumours that there are some people in Meghalaya who are opposing to the idea of implementing ILP in the State, KSU President Lambokstar Marngar said that those people who opposed ILP in Meghalaya should leave the State as soon as possible.

Kiang Nangbah was hanged by the British Government on 30th November 1862 in Iew Musiang Jaintia Hills.

Meanwhile Chairman of the North East Student Union (NESO) Samuel Jyrwa said that the people of Meghalaya and North Eastern States as a whole will have to be united against the proxy war .i.e. the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 introduce by the central Government. He also said that the motive of the central Government to introduce the CAA 2019 is to reduce the communities all North Eastern States in to minority in our own land.

“It's time for the State Government (Meghalaya) to introduce strict laws to protect the people and the land of the State from being encroached by outsiders” he added.

Samuel Jyrwa also said that the state has seen enough as outsiders have taken away our way of life, in the market place, in the Schools and Colleges and have also denied our own people from occupying high ranks in Government offices or in the High Court. 

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YOOTS, (YOUTH ORGANIZATION ON A TRIALBLAZING SOCIETY), is a youth service centre formed on 24 September 2019, Shillong to engage the youths in the civic, cultural, social and economic life. The organization is  certified under the Meghalaya  Societies Registaration  ACT X11 OF 1883,(NO SR/YOOTS-34/19  of 2019).

To mark the launch of the YOOTS, the organization  hosted a beauty pageant entitled “Mr and Miss Earth Meghalaya 2019”.This initiative was to fortify their confidence level, develop a sense of responsibility towards oneself, culture, and country. Various courses contributes to human development, also fashion has become imperative in developing the individual wholly. The organization is focussed to involve and integrate the youths in various social spheres.

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The following major rules will generally affect most of the account holders in respect of charges and fees levied on them.

 Average Minimum Balance 

A lot of customers were not aware until they were charged with substantial deduction when they found the balance showed negative or after depositing money, the balance reduced.

Now the AMB is reduced from Rs 5000 to Rs 3000 for urban areas. This particular change is a good move for most people.

In semi-urban, the limit is Rs 2000 and Rural limit is Rs 1000/-  

It’s always better to maintain AMB to avoid unnecessary charge range from Rs 10 plus GST depending on the slabs and other conditions.

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“Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh urged Narendra Modi to set aside "his deep-rooted suspicion" of society and nurse India back to harmonious, mutually trustworthy society that can help the economy soar”.


Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that GDP growth rate of 4.5 per cent was unacceptable and worrisome, and urged his successor Narendra Modi to set aside "his deep-rooted suspicion" of society and nurse India back to harmonious, mutually trustworthy society that can help the economy soar.


Delivering his valedictory address at a national conclave on economy, Singh said mutual trust is the bedrock of societal transactions fostering economic growth, but "our social fabric of trust, confidence is now torn and ruptured".


The "toxic combination of deep distrust, pervasive fear and a sense of hopelessness in our society" is stifling economic growth, he said.

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