
February 2019

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The river is a precious gift of Nature. They sustain a source of sustenance like agriculture and fishing. The less obvious functions served by the river is that they are feeding and spawning areas of fish and other aquatic life forms. Besides, they can purify water by absorbing pollutants and can regulate flood.  The sand producing river does a great justice by storing water which helps groundwater replenishment. Though last but not least, they can be used of transportation. Often they are the source of religious and recreational activities. So, in a nutshell, besides economic service, the ecological aid of river is tremendous.

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  • Parent Category: 2019
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U Lum Sohpetbneng peak, nestle the Khasi civilization, ever since the Hynniewtrep Race, comprising the Khasi Pnar (Jaintia), the Lyngam, Maram, Bhoi, War, Nongtrai,, Muliang of the composite 'Khadhynriew Trep Khadhynriew Skum (Sixteen Huts- Sixteen Nests), dwell in the abode of the Divine Creator. It was the Hynniewtrep- the seven Huts the seven Nests, according to the Divine Decree, that the seven came down to settle on earth, through the Golden seven rainbow coloured bridge ( Jingkieng Ksiar)-(Golden Bridge) to become master of the animal and plant Kingdoms, the natural elements, that exist above Mother Earth (Ka Mei Ramew), the entire environment and ecology, the vast stretches of land and forests, mountains, hills, dales and valleys, oceans, rivers, streams, protecting all these from ravages.

  • Parent Category: 2019
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BGR is the eighth largest refinery of Indian Oil Bongaigaon Refinery of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. is considered as a lifeline for many who have been directly or indirectly engaged for their livelihood particularly from the neighbouring districts. This is the only major industry in Lower Assam giving avenues for direct; indirect employment and contributing towards growth and development of the under developed part of Assam.

The refinery has a uniqueness of its own with an existence of over 45 long years. BGR, serving the energy needs of the state along with the rest of the nation is located amidst spectacular beauty in the Chirang district of BTC, Assam.

In an informal discussion with Associate Editor of Eastern Panorama, Bijoy Kumar Sharma at Manas Guest House in BGR Township, Chief General Manager (In-Charge) of  Bongaigaon Refinery, Mr. Gopal Chandra Sikder apprised BGR’s contribution in nation building by meeting and fulfilling people’s hopes and aspiration with a commitment on Corporate Social Responsibility Schemes.

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  • Parent Category: 2019
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The shattering of tranquility by staccato sounds of gunfire following escalated clashes between the Buddhist insurgent group Arakan Army (AA) and Myanmar Army (MA) in Rakhine State of Myanmar may push the Northeast India into turmoil.

Due to the ongoing civil war in Myanmar, the Centre has alerted Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland and Manipur asking the Border Security Force, ITBP, Shastra Seema Bal and Assam Rifles to stop infiltration of insurgents in Northeast.

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  • Parent Category: 2019
  • Hits: 16807
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Peeved with the deplorable infrastructure and deprivation of basic amenities, students of NIT Manipur are on strike, threatening to bid the premier institute goodbye if the concerned authorities do not look into their demands. Ironically, what the students of this technical institute are demanding are something they should have been provided normally - proper classrooms, proper hostel, sufficient books in the library, a functional auditorium, adequate faculty and a well maintained campus.


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