- Parent Category: 2019
- Hits: 12525
Faulty Marking by NEHU: NEHUSU
North Eastern Hills University Student Union (NEHUSU) Adviser Rangdajied Marwein said that over 200 students mark sheets of 5th semester were given inaccurate marking by the Exam Controller of NEHU. Out of 200 students, 60 students mark sheet were re-evaluate and found out that 30 student’s mark sheets were genuine in giving inaccurate marking by the Exam Controller. The Union alleged that this is not the first in which such inaccurate marking were given by the University. It had also happened in 2018 but to only to Students studying in NEHU itself. The NEHUSU also remind NEHU that UGC have directed the University to fill up the vacancy within Six month for both Teaching and Non-Teaching staff, if fail to do so the UGC will stop providing grant to the University (NEHU).
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