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In the eyes of millions of his fellow Indians, Gandhi was the Mahatma “Great Soul”. The unthinking adoration of the huge crowds that gathered to see him all along the route of his tours made them a severe ordeal, he could hardly work during the day or rest at night. His fame spread worldwide during his lifetime and only increased after his death. Mahatma Gandhi revered the world over as one of history’s most transformative and inspirational figures. Throughout his life in South Africa and India, Gandhi was a fearless campaigner for the rights and dignity of all people, whose constant and unwavering promotion of non-violence as a tool to win over hearts and minds had forever left its mark on the world.

 Subhash Chandra Bose had called him ‘Father of the Nation’ in his message on Hind Azad Radio. Rabindranath Tagore addressed him as ‘Mahatma’ and the latter called the poet “Gurudev’.


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