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KHADC cannot function as per emotion or political influence: P.N Syiem


The Chairman of the Khasi Hill Autonomous District Council (KHADC) Mr. Pynshngaiñlang Syiem is expelled from the ruling National People’s Party (NPP) for his anti-party activities,

Speaking to media person on Monday Pynshngaiñlang Syiem said that he is surprised that the Party had not called him for the meeting nor issue any show cause notice to him. “I know my expulsion from the NPP was mainly because the Governor had declined to accede to Government’s recommendation for Administrator’s Rule in the Council” Pynshngaiñlang Syiem added. The Chairman also said that he has follow the rules enshrine for the KHADC.

“The State Government cannot go by emotion or political influence just fulfils their personal interest”. The State government cannot interfere in the KHADC when the KHADC did not bypass the laws enshrined in the KHADC he added. Pynshngaiñlang Syiem said that his expulsion from NPP will not affect him in the KHADC as he will continue to be Chairman of the KHADC.

Earlier Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong had said that the Government has recommended Administrator Rule in KHADC foreseeing “instability” in the KHADC.

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Administrator Rule likely in KHADC

The UDP-led United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Executive Committee led by Bindo Lanong today met the Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong to appraise on the political scenario in the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC).

Earlier the outgoing EC under the leadership of Teinwell Dkhar boycotted the election of the new CEM which pave a way for Latiplang Kharkongor to the chair of CEM un-opposed.

Speaking to media person Bindo Lanong said that the election for the post of CEM earlier today was one sided after the Chairman Pynshngain N Syiem casted his vote in favour of the United Democratic Forum EC.

“How can the Chairman vote when there is a tie in the house just like on the same day when the motion was moved? How will the present EC performed in the near future when there is clear indication of instability in the EC? He added. The UDP leader also accused the Chairman of being biased while performing his duty during the No-confidence motion held on Wednesday.

Meanwhile Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong said that recommendation has been sent to the Governor regarding the political scenario in KHADC,

“It will be difficult for any EC to perform when there is a tie, it will be difficult for the EC to pass any Bills in future” he added. Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong said that when there is no option, then the Government will recommend for Administrator Rule.

He added that by looking at the current scenario, look like there is no option as there is a tie and clear indication of instability in the current EC.

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Latiplang Kharkongor first Independent MDC as CEM of KHADC

Nongthymmai MDC, Latiplang Kharkongor became the first Independent to be elected as the Chief Executive Member (CEM) of the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC). The election was necessitated after the UDP-led United Democratic Alliance (UDA) executive committee was defeated in the No-confidence motion held on Wednesday. The No-confidence motion was moved by the opposition Congress.

Outgoing EC under the leadership of Teinwell Dkhar boycotted the election of the new CEM on Friday in the house, which pave a way for  Kharkongor to  the chair of CEM  un-opposed.

Latiplang Kharkongor who is part of the newly formed United People’s Forum (UPF) has the support of 15 MDCs while Teinwell Dkhar of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) who boycotted the election has the support of 14 MDCs

KHADC Chairman Pynshngain N Syiem formally announced the election of Latiplang Kharkongor as the new CEM of the Council since Teinwell Dkhar withdraw from the contesting the election only after the session has commenced.

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Latiplang Kharkongor the first Independent MDC to file nomination for CEM

Today history created in the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) after Independent MDC Latiplang Kharkongor file nomination for the post of Chief Executive Member (CEM) of the KHADC. It is for the first time in the KHADC where and independent candidate is contesting for the post of CEM,

Speaking after filing nomination Latiplang Kharkongor said I have always perform the duty which I hold in every department for fourth term as MDC. Lambasting the outgoing CEM Latiplang Kharkongor said that the ruling coalition which is leading the EC in the Council for the past eight months has failed on all fronts.

“Many bills have just been lying in the CEM Chambers for the past 8 months” he added. When asked on the Bills and laws introduced by the past EC, Latiplang Kharkongor said that if we come to EC we will do follow up on the pending Bills or laws introduce by the outgoing EC if those Bills are in the interest of the District Council or people of the State as a whole.

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There is a need of ‘Anti-defection’ law in KHADC: Teinwell Dkhar

United Democratic Party (UDP) MDC Teinwell Dkhar toaday file the nomination for Chief Executive Member (CEM) post after his Executive Committee collapsed during the non-confidence motion moved by the Opposition on 20th November.

Speaking after the filing of nomination Teinwell Dkhar said that the main reason for the collapsed of the Executive Member (EM) is due to the lack of ‘Anti Defection law’

“We hope that in the near future the anti defection will be implemented in the District Council as to prevent unnecessary defection by any members of the house” Teinwell Dkhar added.

The former CEM went on to say that in any politics there will always be differences among its members but defection o another party is not the solution but instead members should indulge in debates rather that defecting to another party just for personal benefits.”In the near future we hope that the spirit of the 10th scheduled will also be include in the 6th schedule so that to frame anti defection laws which will prevent any members from defecting to another party in quick session Teinwell Dkhar concluded.

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