

Beauty Tips


Orange oil is expressed from the rind of the bitter orange fruit.

Therapeutic Properties.

Historically, this citrus oil was used in Europe as a mild tonic to treat nerves, bronchitis and digestive problems, as it still is in traditional Chinese medicine.

Emotions and Mind.

Orange is considered a general tonic. The uplifting, familiar scent can allay anxiety and is popular with children.

Digestive Problems.

Its anti – spasmodic action helps to reduce colic and heartburn. To treat constipation and indigestion, massage the abdomen with diluted oil. 

Skin and Beauty.

Mildly astringent. Use orange oil in facial creams or oils for facial massage to bring vitality to the skin.

Back Massage

Orange oil, like neroli and petitgrain, can ease stress in the back.


Neroli oil is distilled from the blossom of the bitter orange tree.

Therapeutic Properties.

One of the most exquisite scents, neroli is prized for its gentle sedative nature. The oil is said to be named after the wife of the Italian prince of Nerola, who used it extensively.

Emotions and Mind.

Extremely beneficial in treating panic attacks and insomnia.

Digestive Problems.

For stress – related disturbances, such as irritable bowel syndrome, gently massage the abdomen with diluted oil.

Skin and Beauty.

Valuable in skin – care preparations, particularly for mature or sensitive skin and for broken capillaries.


Petitgrain oil is distilled from the leaves and green twigs of the bitter orange tree.

Therapeutic Properties.

Petitgrain oil resembles neroli therapeutically and is also good for nervous and stress – related conditions, including insomnia, and jet lag. Both are frequently used in high quality Eau de Cologne. Being cheaper and less intense in aroma than neroli, it is also popular in massage oils.

Emotions and Mind.

Petitgrain is used for its ability to relieve stress. It is lovely in a bath oil to banish fatigue and relieve anxiety.

Skin and Beauty.

Petitgrain is especially good for irritated skin and acne. It is used in facial massage or added to home made face creams. It also makes a good hair tonic.